Missions is...
The work whereby we embrace God's heart for those outside his family and strive to bring the gospel to them.
Citipoint Church has selected 14 missionaries and mission organizations as strategic gospel partners. Through our partnership with them we spread God's good news.
As their gospel partners we are committed to pray for them, support them financially, and connect with them in strategic ventures over the years.
Citipoint Church has selected 14 missionaries and mission organizations as strategic gospel partners. Through our partnership with them we spread God's good news.
As their gospel partners we are committed to pray for them, support them financially, and connect with them in strategic ventures over the years.
We want the people of Citipoint church to...
- KNOW our missionaries and our missions
- PRAY for our missionaries
- GIVE to missions joyfully and sacrificially
- GO as opportunities are available
The individual-collective principle
Our strategy is to inspire individual commitment from those who are a part of Citipoint Church and to combine those individual commitments to reflect the collective nature of the church as revealed in the Bible (Acts 4:32-37; Acts 13-14; Phil. 4:14-19; 1 Cor. 16:1-4).
The Missions Team selects the missionaries and mission organizations that the church will partner with. Then the individuals and individual families of the church get to know these missionaries, pray for them, and give to missions regularly.
The Missions Team selects the missionaries and mission organizations that the church will partner with. Then the individuals and individual families of the church get to know these missionaries, pray for them, and give to missions regularly.
The eighty-twenty principle
Citipoint Church is a part of the Assemblies of God, which is a remarkably effective force for missions. As a part of the AG we enthusiastically dedicate 80% of our efforts and resources to AG missions and 20% to non-AG missions. These non-AG missions are vetted for their effectiveness and our support for them is done with enthusiasm too.
In a similar way Citipoint Church dedicates 80% of our missions' efforts and resources to global missions and 20% to local missions. The rationale for this is twofold. First, the super majority of the needs of the world are outside of our borders. Second, the efforts and resources of the local church (i.e. Citipoint Church) as a mission itself, go to bringing the gospel here.
Citipoint Church has a future goal that 80% of our global missions support will go to missions efforts to unreached people groups. This is because 3.2 billion people in the world are unreached and less than 1% of all money given to missions goes to unreached people and places.
In a similar way Citipoint Church dedicates 80% of our missions' efforts and resources to global missions and 20% to local missions. The rationale for this is twofold. First, the super majority of the needs of the world are outside of our borders. Second, the efforts and resources of the local church (i.e. Citipoint Church) as a mission itself, go to bringing the gospel here.
Citipoint Church has a future goal that 80% of our global missions support will go to missions efforts to unreached people groups. This is because 3.2 billion people in the world are unreached and less than 1% of all money given to missions goes to unreached people and places.
Tim & Karla Shamala | AGWM | South Indian Outreach
The Shamalas, with the South Indian Outreach, oversee Grace Schools, which educates 875 students who come from impoverished backgrounds; Open Arms Center, which serves girls at risk; and Home of Hope which serves single mothers. Tim is also the Lead Pastor for a church in Mysore and is training many more pastors to lead congregations in the surrounding towns and villages.
The Shamalas, with the South Indian Outreach, oversee Grace Schools, which educates 875 students who come from impoverished backgrounds; Open Arms Center, which serves girls at risk; and Home of Hope which serves single mothers. Tim is also the Lead Pastor for a church in Mysore and is training many more pastors to lead congregations in the surrounding towns and villages.
Mark & Sunny Rodli | AGWM | Thailand
In a country where Christians make up only 0.5% of the population, the Rodlis focus on church planting with existing Thailand Assembly of God churches. With over 70% of the country without a church, and 62.5 million Thais (out of 67 million) living in communities without any Christian neighbors, planting new churches remains essential in Thailand. |
Paul & Larissa Dobson | AGWM | Malaysia
Paul serves as High School Guidance Counselor and Head of the Guidance Department at Dalat International School, where he interacts with and impacts missionary kids and other third culture kids (TCKs) from 28 different countries. He also serves families globally with diagnostic testing and academic consulting through TCK International. The Dobsons recently started and are leading the International Youth Group out of their home. Along with leading International Youth, Larissa finds, rescues, translates for, advocates for, and helps to restore trafficked Cambodians with the goal of getting them back home. She also helps with prenatal care for refugees.
Paul serves as High School Guidance Counselor and Head of the Guidance Department at Dalat International School, where he interacts with and impacts missionary kids and other third culture kids (TCKs) from 28 different countries. He also serves families globally with diagnostic testing and academic consulting through TCK International. The Dobsons recently started and are leading the International Youth Group out of their home. Along with leading International Youth, Larissa finds, rescues, translates for, advocates for, and helps to restore trafficked Cambodians with the goal of getting them back home. She also helps with prenatal care for refugees.
GO On The Mission | Mexico
GO On The Mission is reaching impoverished children through a local feeding center ministry. They are working to break the cycle of poverty. Every morning before school, kids get a healthy breakfast and Bible lessons from loving local Christians. Citipoint has adopted the Villas del Sol and Universo feeding center in Mazatlán.
GO On The Mission is reaching impoverished children through a local feeding center ministry. They are working to break the cycle of poverty. Every morning before school, kids get a healthy breakfast and Bible lessons from loving local Christians. Citipoint has adopted the Villas del Sol and Universo feeding center in Mazatlán.
Jordan & Sarah Vidmore | Pioneer Bible Translators
The Vidmores work for Pioneer Bible Translators based out of Dallas, Texas. This ministry is a Bible translation and church planting organization that is currently translating the Bible into 108 languages spoken by 102.5 million people in 28 countries. They are a part of the larger Bible translation movement, which is working towards 99.96% of the world having at least the New Testament by 2033.
The Vidmores work for Pioneer Bible Translators based out of Dallas, Texas. This ministry is a Bible translation and church planting organization that is currently translating the Bible into 108 languages spoken by 102.5 million people in 28 countries. They are a part of the larger Bible translation movement, which is working towards 99.96% of the world having at least the New Testament by 2033.
Josiah & Kayla Bridgewater | AGWM | Africa
The Bridgewaters are currently living in Malawi where they are serving as fully appointed missionaries with the Assemblies of God and are focused on children's ministry. The need for children’s ministry in Malawi is at an all-time high. With nearly ten million children living in Malawi, most churches do not have a trained person for children’s ministry. Many churches want to reach the children around them but don’t know where to start. They work with the national church to train and equip the church to effectively reach children for Christ. This is a case where the harvest is great, but the workers are few. They also work with local churches to bring care to the orphans around them. Nearly one in every ten children in Malawi is an orphan. They work to bring hope to the least of these.
The Bridgewaters are currently living in Malawi where they are serving as fully appointed missionaries with the Assemblies of God and are focused on children's ministry. The need for children’s ministry in Malawi is at an all-time high. With nearly ten million children living in Malawi, most churches do not have a trained person for children’s ministry. Many churches want to reach the children around them but don’t know where to start. They work with the national church to train and equip the church to effectively reach children for Christ. This is a case where the harvest is great, but the workers are few. They also work with local churches to bring care to the orphans around them. Nearly one in every ten children in Malawi is an orphan. They work to bring hope to the least of these.
Colby & Cassidy Neher | AGWM | Eurasia
The Nehers have been called by God to share Jesus with the people of Eurasia. They are passionate about seeing Eurasian lives transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit. While in Eurasia they will work to equip new Eurasian believers on how to confidently share their faith in Jesus Christ with the Muslim world and help plant churches among an unreached people group that desperately needs the Bible.
The Nehers have been called by God to share Jesus with the people of Eurasia. They are passionate about seeing Eurasian lives transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit. While in Eurasia they will work to equip new Eurasian believers on how to confidently share their faith in Jesus Christ with the Muslim world and help plant churches among an unreached people group that desperately needs the Bible.
Lisa Russi | AGWM | France, Project Rescue
Lisa Russi has served in AGWM since 2008. She has worked in both France and Southern Asia. In Southern Asia she established a safe home for daughters of women in prostitution. In France she co-founded Perles de Prix, a grassroots movement of churches that offers spiritual direction, practical resources, friendship, and community to women in prostitution.
Lisa Russi has served in AGWM since 2008. She has worked in both France and Southern Asia. In Southern Asia she established a safe home for daughters of women in prostitution. In France she co-founded Perles de Prix, a grassroots movement of churches that offers spiritual direction, practical resources, friendship, and community to women in prostitution.
Skagit Valley Pregnancy Center | Skagit County
Skagit Valley Pregnancy Center is a Christian ministry and accredited medical clinic offering pregnancy confirmation services through pregnancy testing and limited ultrasound. They care about those facing unplanned pregnancy and provide necessary information, resources and support to the women we serve in our valley. They also have supporting educational programs and offer in-house parenting and life skills classes and healthy relationship classes that are taught in public and private schools.
Skagit Valley Pregnancy Center is a Christian ministry and accredited medical clinic offering pregnancy confirmation services through pregnancy testing and limited ultrasound. They care about those facing unplanned pregnancy and provide necessary information, resources and support to the women we serve in our valley. They also have supporting educational programs and offer in-house parenting and life skills classes and healthy relationship classes that are taught in public and private schools.
Doug & Bonnie Knox | Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
The Knoxes are a part of Mission America Placement Service which helps churches grow and reach their communities by coming alongside them to repair and rebuild their facilities and help with evangelistic outreach. This work is done by volunteers that travel in their RVs. They also partner with larger churches that send teams to help smaller churches with repairs and/or evangelistic outreaches. |
Will & Cathaleen Hansen | Skagit Valley College
The Hansens are missionaries for Campus Christian Fellowship. Campus Christian Fellowship has existed as a campus ministry at WWU since 1972. They gather weekly to worship Jesus and study Scripture together. They are seeking to follow Jesus, share their faith in Jesus, and grow while in community with each other during their time in college and beyond.
The Hansens are missionaries for Campus Christian Fellowship. Campus Christian Fellowship has existed as a campus ministry at WWU since 1972. They gather weekly to worship Jesus and study Scripture together. They are seeking to follow Jesus, share their faith in Jesus, and grow while in community with each other during their time in college and beyond.
NW Adult & Teen Challenge | Washington
The NW Adult & Teen Challenge provides services for recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. They also help people to become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive.
The NW Adult & Teen Challenge provides services for recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. They also help people to become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive.
Northwest Ministry Network | Washington & Northern Idaho
The Northwest Ministry Network serves the AG churches, pastors, and missionaries of Washington and northern Idaho by empowering leaders to develop healthy, growing Christians and churches.
The Northwest Ministry Network serves the AG churches, pastors, and missionaries of Washington and northern Idaho by empowering leaders to develop healthy, growing Christians and churches.
Northwest University | Washington
Northwest University, located in Kirkland, Washington, is a regionally accredited Christian institution awarding associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. They have been preparing students to lead in their careers since 1934 and offer a variety of degree programs to meet the needs of an ever-changing society.
Northwest University, located in Kirkland, Washington, is a regionally accredited Christian institution awarding associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. They have been preparing students to lead in their careers since 1934 and offer a variety of degree programs to meet the needs of an ever-changing society.
8 strategic ways that we can pray for our missionaries:
1. That the true and untainted gospel will be preserved and proclaimed (1 Cor. 1:18; 15:3-4; Gal. 1:8)
2. That the gospel will be proclaimed with boldness given by the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:29; Eph. 6:18-20)
4. That the Holy Spirit will convince people of their need for a Savior (John 16:8-11; Acts 16:14)
3. That the Word of God will continue to spread and prevail mightily (Acts 19:10, 20; 1 Thess. 2:13; 1 Peter 1:23; James 1:21; John 17:17)
5. That God will send laborers; calling people to serve in gospel work (Matt. 9:35-38)
6. That God will give his workers great faith, defending them from fear (1 Tim. 1:6-8)
7. That there will be unity in the family of God and among the missionaries (John 17:11; Eph. 2:14)
8. That people would be relieved of suffering and harm in supernatural ways as well as through acts of kindness from God's people (Matt. 8:14-17; Luke 10:25-37; James 1:27, 2:14-18)
Our collective missions' efforts are funded through the consistent generosity of the individuals who make up Citipoint Church. This generosity is expressed through giving to missions, which is a monthly financial offering designated to missions. Giving to missions should not be confused with tithing or other general giving. The tithe and other general giving supports the local church (i.e. Citipoint Church) ensuring that we can continue to carry out God's vision for us here.
Regular giving to missions is in alignment with our Roaring '20s Goals, one of which is to give 1 million dollars to missions in the span of 10 years (2020-2029).
Citipoint Church encourages recurring giving to missions. You can do this through the Church Center App.
Regular giving to missions is in alignment with our Roaring '20s Goals, one of which is to give 1 million dollars to missions in the span of 10 years (2020-2029).
Citipoint Church encourages recurring giving to missions. You can do this through the Church Center App.
As a church we promote and sponsor periodic local and global short-term missions and events with our strategic partners.
If you are interested in learning more or being a part of an upcoming short-term mission please contact our Missions and Foster Church Team Lead, Dani Needham.
These short-term missions are in alignment with two of our Roaring '20s Goals of sending 300 people on a short-term mission and raising up 20 people to pursue vocational ministry in the span of 10 years (2020-2029)
If you are interested in learning more or being a part of an upcoming short-term mission please contact our Missions and Foster Church Team Lead, Dani Needham.
These short-term missions are in alignment with two of our Roaring '20s Goals of sending 300 people on a short-term mission and raising up 20 people to pursue vocational ministry in the span of 10 years (2020-2029)